Your personal data is the key to your Preferences, Spending Habits, and Well-being. For years, big businesses have been secretly profiting from your data without your consent. Now you can take charge.



Your personal data is the key to your Preferences, Spending Habits, and Well-being. For years, big businesses have been secretly profiting from your data without your consent. Now you can take charge.



Your personal data is the key to your Preferences, Spending Habits, and Well-being. For years, big businesses have been secretly profiting from your data without your consent. Now you can take charge.

Capture your Transaction Records anonymously
Save all of your card/cash transactions into your ValiDeck account on the cloud.
Join Merchant Loyalty Programs anonymously
Use your existing payment cards or ValiDeck account ID to join Merchant Loyalty Programs.
Profit from your Transaction History
Leverage your transaction history to earn cashback / reward points from merchants.

ValiDeck search results are based on credible reviews and customer transaction records (CTR) anonymously captured from the spending history of its account holders. The search results provide subjective and objective information about products, businesses, and services.

Every time somebody with a ValiDeck account completes a transaction, a detailed record of the transaction is saved on the platform. ValiDeck does not store any personal and confidential information along with the transaction record. This information is known only to the account holder and their trusted network.

Transaction records allow businesses to gain market insights, run a loyalty program and deliver superior customer service.

The ValiDeck platform collects reviews implicitly via Customer Transaction Records and explicitly via meaningful Feedback Forms. Here’s an example of a ValiDeck feedback form to rate a restaurant: 1) How was the food, 2) Was it served on time, 3) How was the ambiance, 4) Was the food a good value for money, 5) Did you get parking.

When a ValiDeck account holder doesn’t submit any feedback, the platform derives a rating from the spending habits of the account holder. Repeated transactions of a product or service imply higher customer satisfaction and discontinuation implies the reverse.

ValiDeck reviews are linked to the Unique ID of each account holder. The platform validates and authenticates a review before storing the same in its database.

ValiDeck helps customers, businesses, as well as payment channels, learn from the reviews and transaction records stored in its database. Customers can use the platform to analyze their spending habits, search for information via their trusted network, and find the best price for the products and services available in the market. Likewise, businesses can use the platform to acquire market intelligence and obtain insights on consumer spending and purchasing behavior.

Payment channels can use ValiDeck to measure the performance of their reward programs. The analysis of consumer spending will show which reward programs are working and which aren’t. Payment channels will be able to develop better programs with the information.

The ValiDeck platform connects businesses and service providers with verified partners, suppliers, and distributors, thereby making them more efficient.

Businesses and service providers can use the platform to streamline their Sales, Marketing, Staffing, and Manufacturing operations. ValiDeck allows merchants and vendors to push Targeted Ads on the devices of customer that have signed up to receive promotions and offers. Merchants and vendors will also be able to use the platform to cross-sell products/services or refer customers to affiliates and partner organizations.

ValiDeck allows its account holders to participate in an infinite number of merchant loyalty programs without disclosing their personal and confidential information. Account holders do not have to acquire a new co-branded card to participate in a loyalty program. They can use an existing card or even cash to earn reward points.

Merchants and vendors can reward customers for their transactions inside their stores/partner network and also for sharing their purchasing data at other establishments.

Customers receive cashback/rewards from merchants via the token-based loyalty program. A customer can enroll itself in this program by first creating an account for itself on the ValiDeck platform. Once the account is created, the customer can request its payment card issuer to tokenize the payment card. Then, every time a tokenized card is used for purchase, a record of the transaction is stored in the merchant’s account.

Unified Technology Platform

  • Search: Find Products, Businesses, and Services based on transaction history and validated reviews.
  • Review: Submit reviews with Subjective and Objective feedback of Products, Businesses, and Services.
  • Understand: Acquire Market Intelligence and Obtain Insights on consumer spending and purchasing behavior.
  • Manage: Optimize Sales, Marketing, Staffing, and Manufacturing goals.
  • Reward: Drive an efficient Merchant Loyalty Program without using co-branded cards.

ValiDeck search results are based on credible reviews and customer transaction records (CTR) anonymously captured from the spending history of its account holders. The search results provide subjective and objective information about products, businesses, and services.

Every time somebody with a ValiDeck account completes a transaction, a detailed record of the transaction is saved on the platform. ValiDeck does not store any personal and confidential information along with the transaction record. This information is known only to the account holder and their trusted network.

Transaction records allow businesses to gain market insights, run a loyalty program and deliver superior customer service.

The ValiDeck platform collects reviews implicitly via Customer Transaction Records and explicitly via meaningful Feedback Forms. Here’s an example of a ValiDeck feedback form to rate a restaurant: 1) How was the food, 2) Was it served on time, 3) How was the ambiance, 4) Was the food a good value for money, 5) Did you get parking.

When a ValiDeck account holder doesn’t submit any feedback, the platform derives a rating from the spending habits of the account holder. Repeated transactions of a product or service imply higher customer satisfaction and discontinuation implies the reverse.

ValiDeck reviews are linked to the Unique ID of each account holder. The platform validates and authenticates a review before storing the same in its database.

ValiDeck helps customers, businesses, as well as payment channels, learn from the reviews and transaction records stored in its database. Customers can use the platform to analyze their spending habits, search for information via their trusted network, and find the best price for the products and services available in the market. Likewise, businesses can use the platform to acquire market intelligence and obtain insights on consumer spending and purchasing behavior.

Payment channels can use ValiDeck to measure the performance of their reward programs. The analysis of consumer spending will show which reward programs are working and which aren’t. Payment channels will be able to develop better programs with the information.

The ValiDeck platform connects businesses and service providers with verified partners, suppliers, and distributors, thereby making them more efficient.

Businesses and service providers can use the platform to streamline their Sales, Marketing, Staffing, and Manufacturing operations. ValiDeck allows merchants and vendors to push Targeted Ads on the devices of customer that have signed up to receive promotions and offers. Merchants and vendors will also be able to use the platform to cross-sell products/services or refer customers to affiliates and partner organizations.

ValiDeck allows its account holders to participate in an infinite number of merchant loyalty programs without disclosing their personal and confidential information. Account holders do not have to acquire a new co-branded card to participate in a loyalty program. They can use an existing card or even cash to earn reward points.

Merchants and vendors can reward customers for their transactions inside their stores/partner network and also for sharing their purchasing data at other establishments.

Customers receive cashback/rewards from merchants via the token-based loyalty program. A customer can enroll itself in this program by first creating an account for itself on the ValiDeck platform. Once the account is created, the customer can request its payment card issuer to tokenize the payment card. Then, every time a tokenized card is used for purchase, a record of the transaction is stored in the merchant’s account.

Unified Technology Platform

  • Search: Find Products, Businesses, and Services based on transaction history and validated reviews.
  • Review: Submit reviews with Subjective and Objective feedback of Products, Businesses, and Services.
  • Understand: Acquire Market Intelligence and Obtain Insights on consumer spending and purchasing behavior.
  • Manage: Optimize Sales, Marketing, Staffing, and Manufacturing goals.
  • Reward: Drive an efficient Merchant Loyalty Program without using co-branded cards.

Benefits for Everyone

  • Customers: Search and locate products, businesses, and services you can trust.
  • Businesses: Run loyalty programs, gain market insights, and increase sales from your customers.
  • Payment Channels: Earn revenues from subscriptions to merchant loyalty programs.


Discover information you can Trust


Acquire market insights from Loyalty Programs

Payment Channels

Earn from memberships to Loyalty Programs

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